Disappear forever

It’s really hard to be everywhere. Our calendars are full of tasks, meetings, and to-do lists are bursting at the seams. From everywhere we can hearing social media platforms (and their addictive algorithms) which they demand our attention.

How to find time for every of this things and for relax, on spend time with family and friends? With books and others? Where is famous work-life balance?

Maybe it’s impossible. Or maybe… cut distractors and feel free?

I think about it. I think about delete my accounts on social media and get much more free time for more productive activities.

But wait. Disappear from the Internet? Forever? No. I will using the Internet still but in different way. I'll replace social media to blog - my own special place on the Internet. In my world after social media it'll my only place.

This is what I've thought. But still I try to find courage. I don’t discourage. Step by step. Now I’m quiting from services one of the biggest tech company to increase my privacy on web. Maybe deleting social media accounts will be my „the next big thing”?

I hope yes.

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#social media